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Why you should be a Data Culture Vulture

Data culture refers to an organisation's collective mindset and behaviour when it comes to data-driven decision-making. It encompasses the willingness of employees at all levels to use data effectively in their daily work, fostering a data-informed and data-driven environment that values information as a strategic asset. Data culture is like the beating heart of a data-driven organisation.

 Here at Advancing Analytics, it’s impossible to talk about data culture without also referencing data governance, adoption and enablement. All of these terms hold people at their core. To create a data culture, we must focus on all of these elements. However, in the data world, this can be a difficult concept. Data Culture is intangible. We cannot implement it with a new cloud service, we can’t create a training pack and tick it off as delivered. It is a continuous, long-term strategic initiative. 

 Data Culture is about how our people adopt data in to their day to day roles, how their instincts adapt and the community of support and continuous learning that grows around them.

 So, why should you want to build and support a strong Data Culture? And what behaviours are needed to achieve it?



Collaboration is the cornerstone of any healthy Data Culture. It encourages the exchange of ideas, expertise, and perspectives among individuals with diverse skills and backgrounds. In a collaborative environment, teams can leverage collective intelligence to tackle complex data challenges, leading to more comprehensive insights and innovative solutions.

Additionally, collaboration promotes transparency and open communication, enabling better understanding and interpretation of data across the organisation. This shared understanding builds a cohesive data culture where employees feel empowered to contribute, learn from each other, and collectively drive data-driven decision-making.



Iteration is a fundamental element of a strong data culture because it embodies a continuous improvement mindset.

A healthy data culture supports the idea that an organisation should be always trying to improve, and if we take that down to the level of an analytical solution, what we mean is that a solution may be released, but it should not be assumed that it can’t be improved through feedback loops and long term use. A static solution is more likely to become obsolete that one which is continuously improved.

Another example would be the idea that as people within a business, learning should be continuous and build upon. Knowledge has to be a continuous endeavour, our roles change, the tools we use change, and how we approach problems evolves with time.



Enabling people within an organisation is not just about providing tools; it's about fostering a culture where individuals feel confident, informed, and empowered to leverage data for the benefit of the entire organisation. This people-centric approach is essential for building and sustaining a successful data culture.

By enabling our people, we’ll start to see the positive impact in how adaptable and open to change the individuals in the business become. By investing in continuous learning and skills development, people will feel empowered to utilise the tools available to them with confidence that they know how to.

The traditional departmental silos will breakdown, allowing cross functional collaboration within the organisation. By sharing knowledge and skills, problems become easier to overcome, people share successes and pain points, resulting in fewer blockers as they learn from each other.

In a healthy Data Culture, with enabled people, an organisation will see the cultural shift to data-driven decision-making, contributing to increased innovation.

 Innovation is where a strong Data Culture can help create a organisation to support its people, leading to more creative solutions to organisational problems.

 A data culture is not just about technology or tools; it's about instilling a mindset within an organisation where data is valued, utilised, and trusted at every level. It's a cultural shift that transforms data from being just a resource to being a driving force for success.

 Contact Advancing Analytics to discuss how we can support you in establishing a Data Culture in your organisation.

Nikki KellyComment